IIUC Notes – More Phone Features


Here are some more notes from my IIUC studies.  As always, corrections requested.

  • Broadcasts messages to a group for a one-way communication
  • Paging groups are used to limit which phones get the broadcast
  • Paging can be unicast or multicast
    • Unicast groups limited to 10 members
    • Multicast requires mcast support on the network
  • Paging configurations can be unicast, multicast, or multiple-group

!  Unicast Paging
!  When 1044 is dialed, ephone 1 is paged
R1(config)#ephone-dn 44
R1(config-ephone-dn)#number 1044
R1(config)#ephone 1
R1(config-ephone)#paging-dn 44

!  Multicast Paging
!  When 1045 is dialed, ephone 2 is paged
R1(config)#ephone-dn 45
R1(config-ephone-dn)#number 1045
R1(config-ephone-dn)#paging ip port 2000
R1(config)#ephone 2
R2(config)#paging-dn 45

!  Multiple Group Paging
!  When 1046 is dialed, both ephones 1 and 2 are dialed
R1(config)#ephone-dn 46
R1(config-ephone-dn)#number 1046
R1(config-ephone-dn)#paging group 44, 45

  • There is a limit of 10 DNs in the paging group.

After-hours Call Blocking

  • Allows you to configure time ranges and patterns that cannot be called during those ranges
  • Three steps
    1. Defines days and/or hours that are considered after-hours
    2. Specify patterns to be blocked
    3. Create exemptions

R1(config-telephony)#after-hours day mon 18:00 07:00 <- afterhours = 6pm to 7am
R1(config-telephony)#after-hours day tue 18:00 07:00
R1(config-telephony)#after-hours day wed 18:00 07:00
R1(config-telephony)#after-hours day thu 18:00 07:00
R1(config-telephony)#after-hours day fri 18:00 07:00

R1(config-telephony)#after-hours date Dec 25 00:00 00:00 <- Christmas is after hours

R1(config-telephony)#after-hours block pattern 1 91900……. 7-24 <- Pattern index 1 blocks 900 numbers 7day/24hours
R1(config-telephony)#after-hours block pattern 2 91………. <- Pattern index 2 block all long distance after hours

R1(config-telephony)#login timeout 15 clear 18:00 <- Allows logins for entering a PIN for after-hours exemption; times out in 15 minutes and clears at 18:00
R1(config)#ephone 1
R1(config-ephone)#after-hours exempt <- the boss's phone can call anywhere except the 7-24 patterns
R1(confg-ephone)#ephone 2
R1(config-ephone)#ping 1234 <- Your phone can log in with this PIN for after-hours access

  • Phones have to be restarted or reset for the Login key to be enabled.

Call Accounting

  • It's important to see who is calling international numbers every day at lunch.
  • Call Detail Records (CDRs) record who called what number when for how long plus more stuff.
  • CME logs CDRs to the logging buffer, syslog, or both.
  • Logging buffers clear when a router loses power, but it may be better than nothing.  <- Don't do this ever!  Get a syslog server!

R1(config)#logging buffer 512000 <- Set the logging buffer size to 512000 bytes
R1(config)#dial-control-mib retain-timer 120 <- Roll records out in 120 minutes
R1(config)#dial-control-mib max-size 100 <- Only keep last 100 records

  • Sending to syslog allows you to keep more records

R1(config)#gw-accounting syslog
R1(config)#logging <- Log to this server

  • Account codes are used for billing.
    • Each department or unit can enter a code that appears in the CDR for use later.
  • Users press the Acct key when the call is ringing or connected to enter their code.

Music on Hold

  • Do I have to explain what MoH is?
  • WAV or AU file in flash
  • Files must be G.711 or G.729
    • G.711 is recommended since it is of higher quality
  • Can be delivered via unicast or multicast

R1(config-telephony)#moh piratedmusic.au <- Plays a local audio file as MoH
R1(config-telephony)#multicast moh port 2001 <- multicast the MoH
