Author: jac

Aaron does lots of stuff and, therefore, does nothing well. He's trying, though.

Earl Zmijewski of Renesys has an analysis of the SuproNet incident that took down a good bit of the Internet on Monday.  From the blog: This single Czech provider announcing a single prefix caused a huge increase in the global rate of updates, peaking at…

I’m kind of an obsessive-compulsive when it comes to numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…), so I’m fairly excited about next Friday (..6, 7, 8, 9, 10…) when Epoch time reaches 1234567890 at 18:31:30 on 13 February(…11, 12, 13, 14, 15…).  I’m sure my ADD…

There’s a lot of noise on the Internet.  I’m not talking about certain news sites, either; I’m talking about stuff like port scans or attempts on weak services from all sorts of bad people on the Internet.  A large chunk of that noise can be…

Happy new year, all.  I’m finally over my hangover from the party and ready to blog. Everywhere I go, I always wind up in a debate about how to alert on log messages as they come in.  I was at the grocery store yesterday, and…

Here’s a short but nifty video I found on the history of the Internet.  We all say “DARPA” or “ARPANET”, but I had no idea that the French developed the router first. History of the Internet from PICOL on Vimeo.

Did anyone notice (or care about) the leap second?  I did neither.  Here’s some cool output from Kevin Oberman on the NANOG list, though. bash-2.05b# date Thu Jan  1 00:59:58 CET 2009 bash-2.05b# date Thu Jan  1 00:59:59 CET 2009 bash-2.05b# date Thu Jan  1…

Stretch at Packetlife has a lively little write-up on the Australian government’s attempt to implement a nation-wide web filtering service. From Setting aside the myriad of technical barriers to implementing such a system, the most obvious question is, “who decides what gets blocked?” When…

I thought I’d throw an easy one out before taking off for the holiday.  Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Saturnia, etc., to all. A few years ago, I was looking through some Cacti graphs of gigabit trunks between 6500s and noticed an abrupt change in traffic. …

I don’t know if I’m mad or honored, but I received about 400 forged email bounces last night (isn’t SMTP wonderful?). I realize that some people have gotten spam from my domain, but I had nothing to do with it. I’m going to check out…

Did you catch the article on setting up fault tolerance on the CSM?  In that article, I mentioned that Cisco recommends a dedicated trunk for the FT VLAN if you have two HA CSMs in two chassis.  Discuss amongst yourselves while I drone on. Why…