Bigger and Better Things I like to take a month or so off from blogging during the summer, but my CCIE R&S written studies pushed that back a bit. I’ve finally got my lazy self back on track, but it may just be for a few days since I’ve accepted
Stubby Post - I've Taken a New Job After several months of semi-serious job searching, I’ve landed a new position with a local company. I don’t know how much I should reveal about them, but I’m really excited to be joining their team. I’ll pass on more details as I get a feel for
The Start of Another Year How did 2010 turn out? Not as well as I would have liked. I blasted through the first of half working on my CCNP, but I slowed way down since I didn’t have a deadline to meet. I studied up for my ham radio technician license, but that fell